Monday, September 26, 2005


On Saturday I had a long and enjoyable phone conversation with philosopher, attorney, and friend Don Morano in Chicago re SATORI TANGO. I had sent him a copy and value his opinion greatly so I had been anxious to hear what he thought. He said, among other things, that it brought to mind Luigi Pirandello ("Six Characters In Search Of An Author") and Lewis Carroll. He also said that he had read it in one sitting (which is recommended) and that its non-linear, layered structure (palimpsest) allowed him to "take a trip" for a couple of hours away from his ordinary, linear reality...and that the trip was a stimulating and pleasant one. His comments were very encouraging. He also thought that I should try to get it into stores by Christmas in its present large format, signed and numbered form.
(Morano's assignment in a philosophical ideas in literature course, in which I was a student, some forty years ago: Write a essay on the ontological status of the characters in Luigi Pirandello's "Six Characters In Search Of An Author", provided one starting place for SATORI TANGO. Alan Watts provided another.)

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