Wednesday, September 28, 2005


I am sure that I am not the first to make the observation that Andy Warhol would have loved the internet in general and blogs in particular. He predicted that in the future everybody would be famous for 15 minutes. What about being able to instantly publish your diary and photo album to a worldwide audience with the click of a mouse. Put yourself out there! The slick graphics make everybody look immediately "official". And with a little more effort everybody can make and publish their own music and movies too. Everybody can expose themselves...every minute of their mundane existence...via webcam...if they wish. Talk about long, boring movies with not much happening. Be your own star right now! Right up Andy's alley. Of course, if everybody's on stage who is left to watch? Godard said that for a film to exist it needed an audience. He did not say "potential" audience.

1 comment:

Time Waster said...

Ever read the book the Philosophy of Andy Warhol?? I was on a binge of Warhol anything a few years ago and this book really captured the mindset of Andy and the mood of that time period.*